Originally called Blue Ribbon Sports the multinational corporation we know today as NIKE had humble beginnings when it first started out of Eugene Oregon in 1964. Since then, it has exploded in popularity all over the world with sales reaching 37 billion USD in 2020.
The NIKE Logo and iconic catchphrase “Just Do It” uses a Futura Extra Bold Condensed Font which creates a no nonsense, striking image that people now associate with NIKE the world over. Futura fonts are Sans Serif (meaning no decorative flourishes on the letter designs) and were created by Paul Renner in 1928 before being published through Linotype in 1936. Futura fonts come in 22 different designs (bold, bold italic, italic etc.) but if you’re looking for the typeface used by NIKE then the Extra Bold Condensed version is what you need.
As you can see from the logo above there is a slight difference between the NIKE Logo and the “Just Do It” catchphrase. Both use the same font however the letters are tilted slightly in the Logo design. If you’re looking to use the logo lettering, then you’ll need an image editing program like Photoshop (paid software) or Gimp (a free tool). If you don’t want to use an image editing program to tilt the letters, then Futura Bold Condensed Oblique will look closer to the NIKE Logo. You can download the oblique (tilted) version of the font by clicking here.
We’ve made it as easy as possible to download your own version of Futura’s Extra Bold Condensed Font. All you need to do is click the download button below and install it on your computer. If you’re having any issues check out our tutorial page which takes you through the process step by step.
Futura Fonts are free to download and use for personal use but it is worth noting that the terms “NIKE” and “Just Do It” are trademark terms by NIKE so any use of these terms may breach copyright laws. We recommend you consult a lawyer if using the font for any commercial designs.
Common Questions:
What Colors Are Used By NIKE?
NIKE generally uses the same colors across it’s marketing campaigns which primarily feature black, white, orange and red. If you have an image editing program like photoshop you can use the following hex codes to replicate them exactly:
White: #FFFFFF
Black: #000000
Red: #e71e26
Orange: #ff6600
These colors in conjunction with the NIKE Swoosh are sure to have a marked effect on anyone that see’s them.
Is The NIKE Font Copyrighted?
The font used by NIKE (Futura) is free to use for personal use. The copyright for the font is currently held by Intertype and payment is required if the font is intended to be used for commercial purposes. While NIKE does not own the copyright of the font itself it does have copyright claims on the term NIKE, catchphrases used in NIKE commercials (Just Do It etc.) and their logo. Consult a lawyer if you’re unsure about usage rights.
Does This Font Work On Both PC’s and Mac’s?
Yes, the download file above works with both PC’s and Macs. If you don’t know how to install a new font on your computer, we have created a tutorial here which walks you through the process step by step. It’s a quick and easy process and shouldn’t take longer than a minute.
What Font Was Used In The Old NIKE Logo?
In 1971 NIKE adopted the swoosh logo but used a different font to the Futura font seen today. The font was cursive, lowercase and unfortunately for people who want to use it, hand drawn. There was no full list of letters and numbers created just the 4 letters that make up NIKE. You can see a picture of the 1971 font below. You can see the original drawings including the font here.
NIKE used this hand drawn font on their logo until 1985 before switching to the uppercase Futura Extra Bold Condensed Font they still use today.
What Font Is The "Just Do It" Design?
The font used in the “Just Do It” campaign as well as on NIKE T-shirts and swoosh designs is Futura Extra Bold Condensed Font. You can download a copy of the font by clicking the red button above.
“Just Do It” was coined in 1988 at an advertising meeting and was one of the most successful marketing campaigns in history. In one year it took NIKE’s share of the US sport-shoe market from 18% to 43%. If they choose a different font the campaign may never have been as successful and NIKE as we know it today could be a vastly different company.
What Font Do Air Jordans Use?
While NIKE used the same font with its logo and many commercials with Air Jordans they decided to use a font called Haettenschweiler. The font was published in 1954 and is a sans serif typeface that follows grotesque design principles. Air Jordan’s have been some of the most popular and sort after shoes ever produced with a pair of the originals signed by Jordan selling for over half a million dollars in May 2020 so the design and marketing team that chose Haettenschweiler must have done something right.